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How To Not Get Cheated While Going for Solar Rooftop.

Do you want install Solar Rooftop system on your roof but afraid that you may get cheated? Don’t worry here are things which you need to know to not get cheated while going solar.

Ask for any hidden charges which may not be included in the pricing or which you have to pay extra. Some of the hidden charges are

  • Bi-directional meter cost
  • BESCOM/DESCOMs work cost
  • Bi-directional meter calibration cost
  • Battery stand
  • Remote monitoring system
  • Meter box
  • Lightning arrestor
  • Earthing

Convert your empty roof into source of income

Quality of structure used – There are many different types of structure and structure materials. The best option is to choose aluminum structure over other materials for long life of structure. Lot of installers compromise the quality of structure by just spraying zinc spray over MS (Iron) structure which is destined to fail in some years.

Thickness and Quality of wire and quality of safety devices – You may have heard fire due short circuit in the buildings. Why does it happen? This is because these people have neglected the thickness and quality of wire and quality of safety devices. Many installers don’t put adequate thick wire so that it doesn’t catch fire even during short circuit. Just to save some money during installation don’t choose the cheap lower thickness wire installers.

Adantages of Installing Solar Rooftop Systems

Quality of Panels – The quality of panels decides how much electricity you can generate and how many years you can generate. Now panels come with 27 years of performance warranty.

Quality of Inverter – The quality of Inverter decides how much electricity you can generate and how many years you can generate.

Fake 5 years free annual maintenance – Some companies do fake marketing saying 5 years annual maintenance free. In actual they don’t answer your call after payment. Trust companies who give realistic promises like 1 or 2 years free annual maintenance.

We at GREENYUGA have a dedicated and professional team with remarkable experience in quality and affordable Solar panel installation over the years. We use advanced technology to provide a complete customized energy-saving solution for you.

Book a consultation with our expert team and enjoy the tremendous benefits of Green Energy for a sustainable and quality living in the future!

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